Thursday, February 8, 2018

2018: The Year Of New Thing

2018 THEME: Our Year Of New Thing (Isaiah 43:18-19)
1. Our outreach visitations enabled us to share the gospel verbatim with 5 people, and distribute gospel tracts to 123 people around Beechwood and St Mathews communities and environs.
Pray for conviction, repentance, trust and confidence only in the Lord for salvation.
Topic: 2018: The Year Of New Thing
Scripture: Isaiah 43:14-28
After scathing denunciation and pronouncement by Isaiah calling Judah, Israel and their surrounding nations to repent of their sins as seen in chapters 1-39, Isaiah’s message from chapters 40-66 are filled with consolation and hope as the Prophet unfolds God’s promise of future blessings through his messiah.
The message in the first of the book was based on the people’s lifestyle of having a form of godliness, but in their hearts they were corrupt. Hence, Isaiah’s warnings were intended to purify the people by helping them to understand God’s true nature and message. However, they repeatedly ignored Isaiah’s warnings as we see in the Old dispensation. But in the new dispensation (Chp. 40-66) Isaiah brings a message of forgiveness, comfort, and hope. A message which looks forward to the coming of the Messiah through whom God freely offers forgiveness to all who turn to him in faith for  so that they can find eternal peace and fellowship with him.  This is the “New Thing” (43:18-19) God is promised to do to the people of Judah and Israel. Though, still unfaithful God, through hos mercy planned and promised to do a new thing. Like the exodus from Egypt this new exodus will take place through a new desert. The past miracles during the exodus from Egypt will be nothing compared to those God would for his people in the future.
When the Lord wants to do a "New Thing":
A.      He Gives his Word (43:14-16; cf. 42:9; Amos 3:7)
B.      He subdues every enemy or force that will hinder a new thing/new dawn (43:14b cf. Exo. 14).
1. May he subdue all the enemies that will hinder a new thing/Dawn in your life this year 2018 in Jesus’ name!
C.      Reminds you of his past miraculous deeds (43:16-17, cf. Exo. 14)
1.       May your faith and confidence in him be strengthened as you are reminded of his past supernatural deeds in your life in Jesus name!
D.      He encourages, instructs, and commands you to forget the former/inglorious things (Old dispensation) (43:18; Phil. 3:13; Heb. 12:1)
1.       May your past life or deeds not hinder or entangle you from experiencing the new thing God has promised or desire to do in your life in Jesus name!
E.       He reveals his plan or gives his promise (43:19; cf. 42:9; Amos 3:7)
1.       May you never cease to receive new Word, wisdom, insight, or direction from the Lord as he unfolds the new thing he has promised to in your life in Jesus name!
F.       He does not only bless other creatures but also engender praise and honor from other creatures because of the new thing he does in your life (43:20; Mat 5:16)
1.       By the reason of the new thing the Lord promised to do in your life, may the whole of creation not only be blessed but have reasons to praise the Lord because of the new thing he will display in your life in Jesus name!
G.     He causes the recipient(s) or his people to praise him (43:21b)
1.       Not only other creatures, but may the Lord put a new song of praise and thanksgiving in your mouth and a spectacular testimony upon your lips as you experience the new thing he promised to display in your life in Jesus name!
H.      He may remind you of your past failure and disobedience, Sin and rebellion (43:22-23)
1.       His reminder is not meant to demean you, but to motivate or convict you of sin that will cause you to repent, and to let you know that it is not of anything you have done or because you are righteous but because of his mercy he chose to do the new thing in your life. (43:22-24; 2 Cor. 7:8-10)
2.       May Godly sorrow that leads to repentance and salvation paved way by, or paved way for the new thing/dawn God has promised you in Jesus name!
I.        He reminds you that he is not only sovereign over everything, he is also absolutely perfect and right in whatever he does (43:25-28; 2 Sam. 22:31; Rom. 8:28)
1.       May the perfect and sovereign ways of Lord guide, direct, lead, and bless you and yours through his wonderful presence so as to continue to do new things in our life throughout 2018 in Jesus name!!!
As God changed the tide for the people of Judah and Israel from a scathing denunciation and promising to do a “New Thing” in their midst, thus ushering in consolation, hope, and future blessings through his messiah; may he likewise do a new thing in your life, family, your church, etc. such that he will put a new song in your mouth and a new testimony on your lips this year 2018 in Jesus name. Once more, may the Year 2018 be your year of “New Thing” in Jesus name.

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19). No matter the challenges, the obstacles, the barriers, the trails, the temptations, etc., may the Lord bring to pass every “New Thing” he has promised or destined to do in all that concerns you in the year 2018 in Jesus name.

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