Our Ministries

“… ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’… ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.” (Matthew 25:40, 45)

About us:
It is generally held that Infertility affects approximately between 10-28 percent of the population in the US, probably more so in Africa and other parts of the World. Infertility cuts across diverse groups, socioeconomic levels, and racial, ethnic and religious boundaries. Since couples experiencing infertility abound everywhere; probably your relative, neighbor, friend, colleague, classmate, church member or perhaps you are struggling with and trying to cope with the problem of infertility.
Hope and Favor Reaching All (HAFRA), is a ministry/NGO that seeks to operate as a support group for all couples who want to, but are not able to have children. HAFRA is a cell or small group forum that is conducive for childless couples to come together, freely discuss their problems, support each other, receive biblical counsel, and look for coping techniques necessary for them to live a happy, fulfilling, and God honoring life like everyone.
To reach out with biblical hope to all couples who want to, but are not able to have children
 To provide support, biblically based hope, comfort, loving care and coping techniques to all couples who want to, but are not able to have children
“… ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’… ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.” (Matthew 25:40, 45)
Our goal is to support and provide biblical hope, favor, comfort, loving care, and assistance to all couples who want to, but are not able to have children and hurting in any way or form, as they work towards solving their infertility problem. HAFRA seeks to reach out to such couples with:

HOPE: In a state of uncertainties, and endless pain, not knowing when the end of their problems will come, infertile couples need hope and assurance that the Lord is not only aware of their need and pain, but that he still loves them, their problem notwithstanding. Couples who want to, but cannot have children can come together to encourage, and give each other hope that others cannot give them. (Job 13:15a; Psalms 25:3a, 42:5a, 130:5; 146:5; Prov. 23:18; Isa. 40:31; Jer. 29:11; Rom 12:12, 15:4, 13)
FAVOR: Favor generally means, showing kindness, approval, acceptance, or special benefits or blessings to someone in need or in distress. Breaking the silence, uncertainties, devastating effect and pain experienced by couples who want to, but cannot have children requires that such couples receive favor from God and man in order to overcome or bear with the scourge of infertility. Coming together to support each other can help them receive the favor that others cannot give them (Psalms 5:2; 2 Cor. 6:2; Isa. 61:2).
 SUPPORT: Infertility can be extremely burdensome and overwhelming to handle alone. Those who want to, but are not able to have children many times need a shoulder to rest their pains, a pillar to lean on for support. You can come alongside them, point them to the Lord the burden bearer, and become a supportive shoulder and pillar for them to rest their pains and burdens. They can come together to give themselves the support that others cannot give to them. (Psalms 68:19; Matt. 11:28: Gal. 6:2).
 COMFORT: Infertility has devastating effect on the individual or couple.  Childlessness, miscarriage, and PROM feels like the loss of a child. In a state of pain, despair, and devastation, couples who want to, but are not able to have children need the comfort of both God and man to enable them bear the scourge, devastation, trauma, and sting of infertility problem, most especially where others seem to be insensitive, or don’t seem to understand what they are passing through and how to comfort them. Couples who want to, but are not able to have children can come together to comfort themselves when others cannot comfort them. (2 Cor. 1:3-7).
 LOVING CARE: The experience of infertility can make couples who want to, but are not able to have children feel lonely, dejected, and rejected, deprived of the loving care and sensitivity of people around them. Such couples can come together to give each other the loving care that others cannot give them. (Psalms 55:22; Na. 1:7; 1 Pt. 1:22, 5:7; John 21:16)
·         Board, Board Members, Officers and Committees
·         State, national, regional and, International chapters and chapter officers and committees
·         Small or cell group with leaders and committees
HAFRA policies and overall guidance will be as set up by the board of trustees, and will be made available to individuals on request.
  1. Medical treatment: Infertility treatment can be very expensive, more so in Africa where most couples who want to, but are not able to have children are economically or financially disenfranchised and cannot afford infertility treatment. HAFRA will provide no medical treatment, but will discuss and recommend medical solutions towards solving infertility problem, cooperate and work with medical specialists, organizations and agencies that are willing to partner with HAFRA to see how couples who want to, but are not able to have children can be supported and assisted to receive proper and affordable medical treatment, help, and care as the couples work towards resolving their infertility problem.
  2. Adoption: Adoption in some cases is the best and only option to some couples who want to, but are not able to have children however, adoption can be legally and financially challenging to some couples who would like to choose adoption as an option to solve their infertility problem. Infertile couples everywhere face these challenges more so in Africa and some parts of the world due to cultural, political and economic factors. In this case, HAFRA will not serve as an adoption agency, but will discuss and recommend adoption as one of the options for infertility, cooperate and work with adoption agencies and organizations that are willing to partner with HAFRA to support, help, and enable such couples who want to consider adoption as an option.
  3. Educational Programs: “Knowledge is power” and can enable individuals or couples who want to, but are not able to have children not only to discover their unique problem but also unique and best solution to their problem. HAFRA will not provide formal educational programs, but may cooperate with and work with Educationists and educational groups that are willing to partner with HAFRA, adapt or use any educational resources that will help or support members resolve their infertility problem, experience hope, favor, loving care, comfort and encouragement as they work towards solving their infertility problem.
  4. Other related organizations: HAFRA will cooperate and work with other organizations, ministries, etc., who share the same or similar vision, mission, and goals with HAFRA and are willing to cooperate and work with HAFRA in order to help or support couples who want to, but are not able to have children resolve their infertility problem, experience hope, favor, loving care, comfort and encouragement as they work towards solving their infertility problem.
 HAFRA as a support ministry/NGO will achieve its goals through the support of groups, individuals, well-wishers and contributions from other concerned organizations, agencies, churches, denominations, etc.
HAFRA small/cell group will seek to meet monthly/regularly; the small group activities and discussions will generally be conducted through activities such as but not limited to:
  • Open forum discussions
  • Biblical counseling
  • Bible Studies
  • Prayer sessions
  • Testimonies 
  • Spiritual mentoring
  • Seminars
  • Conferences 
  • Social activities
  • Q & A 
  • Fellowship meals, etc.
To be a member of HAFRA, an individual or couple should be among those who want to, but are not able to have children for more than a year after marriage. Membership will be by:
·         Voluntarily joining and participating by an individual or couple and
·         Referral by a family member, friend, physician, clergy, employer, social services, agencies, and other ministries, NGO’s or organizations.

Membership Termination: Membership can be terminated by an individual, a couple or HAFRA Board or committees in accordance with HAFRA’s policies, rules and guiding principles.

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